Your Voice Heard, LLC

Utilizing The Grief Recovery Method® & Socio-Emotional Learning in Workforce Training, we help individuals recover emotionally from traumatic events and other losses, and we equip leaders, businesses, and school communities with transformative socio-emotional capacity.

The Grief Recovery Method®

The Grief Recovery Method® Questionnaire

The Grief Recovery Method® Support

We utilize The Grief Recovery Method® which is an evidence-based, action-oriented grief program to help people move through the pain of loss.

Grief is one of the most profound and painful human emotions.

Only when you understand what grief is, and how powerfully it can imprison your thoughts, emotions, and even your whole persona, can you begin to work through your grief? Understanding your grief and what you can do about healing helps you begin your healing journey to a healthier happier place.

Have questions? Take the Grief Recovery Method Questionnaire®

woman grieving

The meaning of grief...

Many people are experiencing grief during the Covid-19 pandemic. Grief is a normal response to a loss during or after a disaster or other traumatic event. Grief can happen in response to the loss of life, as well as to drastic changes to daily routines and ways of life that usually bring us comfort and a feeling of stability.
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Grief Triggers?

There are some triggers that won’t surprise you. The most common element among those who grieve is there will be many events, places, people, thoughts, and times that will very unexpectedly trigger a grief episode. However, there are other grief triggers that will surprise you because they are more subtle.Learn More
grief recovery support

Grief Recovery Support

Grief support is an excellent way to help move through the natural process of grief. Individual support and group support are the two most common ways to receive help. The Grief Recovery Method™ provides an evidence-based, action-oriented grief program that helps people move through the pain of loss.Learn More

Get Grief Help Now 1-800-273-8255
(National Suicide Prevention Hotline)

Socio-Emotional Learning in Workforce Development: Building Soft Skills

Training & Workshops

Social Emotional Learning In The Workplace

Socio-Emotional Learning in Workforce Development training & workshops, led by Dr. Marilyn Pendelton teach the 7 Softskills needed in today’s workforce to empower Transformational Leaders and employees; utilizing Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) strategies.

These are Leadership Skills, Teamwork, Communication Skills, Problem-Solving Skills, Work ethics, Flexibility/Adaptability, and Interpersonal Skills.

As related by Michael McKelvy, Workforce Matters, “Many times, the problems employers struggle with finding lasting employees has nothing to do with whether this person can fulfill the job requirements on the page, but can they handle all the other aspects of employment that make people successful.”



transformational leadership and work-place well being

The link between effective leadership and employee wellbeing is undeniable. However, when it comes to creating the conditions required for our employees to thrive within their place of work, it could be argued that not all leadership styles are created equal.

The Power of Compassionate Transformational Leadership™ Workshop equips leaders with integrated perspectives and a fiscally sustainable approach towards improved mental health in the workplace.
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burned out staff


Burnout strikes employees when they have exhausted their physical or emotional strength. This usually occurs as a result of prolonged stress or frustration. Sometimes the cause is the work environment. Stressful jobs, lack of support and resources, and tight deadlines can all contribute to burnout.

The workshop, Emotional Support for “Tapped Out” Staff ™ addresses events that cause staff to become emotionally “burned out” and teach “soft skills” with empowering life tools. 
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Student loss is not limited to traumatic events (Guidry, Simpson, & Bloomfield, 2014)

An estimated 1 in 14 children in the U.S. will lose a parent or sibling before age 18,* constituting over 4 million children nationally. New York Life.

Grief: Impacts on Student Learning, School Climate, and Community™ workshop teaches strategies to support PreK – 12th-grade students who have experienced a loss of any type.
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Marilyn Pendelton

Meet Marilyn, Your Voice Heard Founder

Dr. Marilyn Pendelton is a global transdisciplinary leader and the founder and CEO of Your Voice Heard, LLC. Your Voice Heard improves mental health and well-being in schools, communities, and businesses using The Grief Recovery Method® and Socio-Emotional Learning in Workforce Development.

In addition to her entrepreneurial endeavors, Dr. Pendelton is an adjunct professor at Gwynedd Mercy University, where she develops doctoral students in educational leadership. Her extensive career spans nursing, workforce development, and education, and she is a sought-after speaker on topics such as grief, trauma, and workplace mental health.

Meet Marilyn, Your Voice Heard Founder

Dr. Marilyn Pendelton is a global transdisciplinary leader and the founder and CEO of Your Voice Heard, LLC. Your Voice Heard improves mental health and well-being in schools, communities, and businesses using The Grief Recovery Method® and Socio-Emotional Learning in Workforce Development.

In addition to her entrepreneurial endeavors, Dr. Pendelton is an adjunct professor at Gwynedd Mercy University, where she develops doctoral students in educational leadership. Her extensive career spans nursing, workforce development, and education, and she is a sought-after speaker on topics such as grief, trauma, and workplace mental health.

Clients and Partners

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Address: 500 Office Center Drive, Ste 400
Fort Washington, PA 19034
Phone: 215-588-5206
Email: info[at]