Community Engagement Specialist & Spanish Language Interpreter
Luis R. Oquendo is a dedicated professional with over 27 years of experience in education, social services, and community engagement.
Dr. Marilyn Barge
With over 20 years of experience, Marilyn has dedicated her career to supporting families and children affected by poverty, specializing in Early Childhood Mental Health and poverty justice advocacy.
In 2024, Antoinette became a Grief Recovery Method Specialist certified by the Grief Recovery Method Institute. Your Voice Heard team welcomes Toni's expertise as a Juvenile Justice Specialist and Grief Recovery Method Specialist.
Dr. Daniel began collaborative work with Your Voice Heard in 2021. She aims to equip ELLs with the confidence and skills they need to thrive academically and succeed as proficient English speakers.
Marialice is an alumna of the University of Pennsylvania, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics and a Master of Science degree in Education, specializing in Intercultural Communication.