Grief Recovery Support

The Grief Recovery Method® Support

“The key to recovery from grief is action, not time” – the Grief Recovery Method

The Grief Recovery Method® Support, whether 1-on-1, or group provides a safe environment for you to look at your old beliefs about dealing with loss, which losses have affected your life, and take actions that will lead you to complete unresolved emotions that may still be causing you pain.

You will be taught and guided through the Grief Recovery Method’s tools by Dr. Marilyn Pendelton, a Certified Grief Recovery Specialist.

The Grief Recovery Method® is a scientifically tested Evidence-Based Program that provides grievers with a tried and true method that has been continuously refined and used time and time again over the last 40+ years, across multiple countries, and in multiple languages, to help them heal from loss(es).

Grief is a process that can take 2 hours, 2 days, 2 weeks, 2 months, 2 years, or 20 years. There is no set time limit when people should be over it. Whether they are grieving for a loss that just occurred or for old unresolved hurt – all is possible and has its place.

We have all had major loss events:

  • Death of People
  • Divorce (our own, our parents)
  • Moves
  • Death of Pets
  • Romantic Relationship Breakups
  • Losing Job
  • Financial Setbacks

The 5 Stages of Grief and Why We Don’t Agree With It

Many years ago Elisabeth Kubler-Ross wrote a book entitled On Death and Dying. The book identified five stages that a dying person goes through when they are told that they have a terminal illness. Those stages are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. For many years, in the absence of any other helpful material, well-meaning people incorrectly assigned those same stages to the grief that follows a death or loss. They simply called them the 5 stages of grief. Although a griever might experience some or all of those feeling stages, it is not a correct or helpful basis for dealing with the conflicting feelings caused by loss. See,  Why We Don’t Agree With the 5 Stages of Grief 

Why we don’t agree with the 5 stages of grief – The Grief Recovery Method

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